John Russell
Congratulations to all members and those who have passed on to happy fishing waters for supporting our MSBA, one of, if not the most, influential salt water sport fishing associations in New England for the past sixty years. All of us will agree that we have fulfilled the purpose set forth in the words set forth in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Certification dated August 29,1950 legally establishing our Association as follows:
"To promote and encourage interest in salt water sport fishing; to provide opportunities for those interested in salt water sport fishing to gather for entertainment and good fellowship; to uphold sound conservation practices and laws and to see that these laws are properly enforced and carried out by members; to further good sportsmanship; to disseminate information concerning salt water sport fishing both to Association members and to others."
John Russell, Past President 1973-1974 and Derby Chairman for many years
My wife Margaret Russell also served as the Membership Chairwoman for 14 years
* * *John Russell passed away on October 29, 2018 at age 94