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Club Meetings are held at 7:30PM on the 4th Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise noted on the website or our Facebook page).

Meetings are held at the Sons of Italy, 54 Whitman St,  Weymouth MA, the doors open at 7:00 PM. You can take advantage of this time to make some new friends and ask questions about the club.

The meeting will be called to order by the President of the club. The President will ask the E-board members to give their reports from the previous months meeting and the Executive Board meetings.

The E-board also consists of a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. To find the current list of elected officers as well as all other members of the E-board.

After all reports are given, the President will address all old business for the club. He will also get reports from various other  club positions. He will then move to all new business. After the business is done, there is a 15-minute break for coffee and donuts, or beverages at the bar. Then the club will have its monthly entertainment, whomever our guest may be for that month. After entertainment, the club will have its raffles, starting with the door prize, which is the ticket you are given at the door as you sign in for the meeting. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the raffle table, they are a $1 each and are well worth it, you never know what you might win!!! These tickets can be purchased at various times throughout the meeting. At 6 for $5 you can't go wrong. This table is loaded monthly with various items and you pick what you want, if your number is drawn.


Merchandise is sold for the club, including hats, t-shirts, jackets, stickers, etc. These items are sold to members during the monthly meeting.

Fishing Video's and Library Books

These items can be borrowed for a month, from the club for your viewing and reading pleasure. Please see the library chairman and he will help you out and go over the selections with you. For the Club Library inventory and information.


Annual Club Derby

The derby is run from May 1st through November 30th. The fish must be weighed on a certified scale at any of a number of local tackle shops, and an official weigh slip, provided by the chair at the monthly meetings, must be filled out by the weigh station and must be postmarked and mailed to the chair with in 7 days from when the fish is caught. All Striped Bass weighed in must be 36* in long to be counted, except fly rod Striped Bass, which is the current state legal length. The categories for the tournament are as follows: Mens, women's and juniors, largest striper surf, striper boat, bluefish surf, bluefish boat. Largest weight for combined bluefish and striper. There is also a fly rod division, with the same categories. Catch,Photo&Release (CPR) is has longest, Bass & Bluefish receiving an award, as well as 3 longest Bass cumulatively ( 1 per month). CPR fly rod division is available.  Beautiful plaques and trophies are also given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the end of the season at our annual awards banquet in the early spring. *Size limits subject to change with state regulations


You can sign up for the club to be a member or renew your membership at the meetings, by mail or online through this website. If you are signing up for new membership, you will receive a packet with a list of the club rules, a club membership card, a club pen, and magnetic schedule. Renewals must be completed by the December meeting. The cost for membership is $25 a year for adults, seniors $10, and juniors under the age of 16 are free as long as they have a parent that is a current member. If you would like to sign up online.


Our refreshment chairperson works hard every month to make sure your coffee, donuts and snacks are available for the break during the meeting.

Annual Sport Fishing Expo

This is one of the biggest events for this club, as far as income for the year, and the work that has to go into it to make it successful. Some of the work that has to go into this show is as follows. Contacting all vendors and reps on the master list, which we have built over the years. Currently there are several hundred names and addresses on the list. Every year the club sends out letters to these individuals and makes several follow up calls to make sure the club has filled the amount of preset booths for the show. If we don't get these individuals we don't have a show. Some other things that go into making the show work are, ordering all the food and rental supplies for the kitchen, renting the facility to have the
show at, getting all the permits needed to use the facility, setting up and measuring the booth sizes, getting all the guest speakers for entertainment, trying to get donations from various sponsors for the grand raffle.
Organizing help to work the show, such as helping people unload and set up, setting up the club booths, setting up the grand raffle table, setting up the merchandise table, serving in the kitchen and clean up, designing and getting all the show fliers & posters printed and distributed to all shops in the area, etc.
Getting as much advertisement as we can for the show, which is a lot of work, and after the show we have to send out thank you letters to all individuals that had a booth at the show and to all the individuals that donated prizes to the show. If you can help with this activity please contact the annual expo chairman.

Mystery Trips

How the mystery trip works. An individual will pick a spot to fish, tell people where to meet, what time to meet and what they need to bring with them. Example - waders, what size rod, bait or lures, etc. The group will meet, hopefully catch some fish, and is a great way to get to know other members of the club and learn some new spots to fish and how to fish them. This is really a fun time, a great way to learn about fishing, and highly recommended. Never hesitate to come up with a spot to fish and bring it to the mystery trip chairman, or the President of the club.

Annual Outing

This is a family oriented event, where you can bring your spouse and children. You can eat all day, soak up some sun, maybe fish a little or participate in some fun contests. It's another great way to relax and get to know other members and there families.  It is a once a year event, but we need an organizer and other people to help the chair to make this a fun and successful event. The chair needs to do the legwork to find a location, set a date. Inform the membership a couple months ahead of time at the meetings and in the spray. Figure out how much food and beverage you will need. Put a group of people together to help you get it set up. The club has a large grill and a tent that can be set up for the outing. The E-board is there always to help you with this event, with advise and suggestions. This is another very fun event and also highly recommended.

Executive Board Meetings

E-board meetings are held the 1st Thursday of the month at the Sons of Italy at 7:00 PM. Any member of the club can attend and are highly encouraged to come. This meeting is where all the work that needs to be done to keep this club moving forward, will happen. Financial decisions and statuses that need to be addressed. Decisions to help the club with any problems that may be occurring. Events that need to be evaluated on status, or preparing for upcoming events. Issues that need to be brought to the floor at the next meeting for any possible solutions, input, or a vote. Issues or feedback from other members to help us make this a better club. Your views are important and this is the forum to bring those issues up and discuss
them. This is were you find out just how much it takes to run this great club, and why we need to keep asking for help. So if you have a chance, please come and join us for one of these meetings.

MSBA Website & Facebook page are our clubs social media tools where you can find all information on the club and some other interesting details. This is a very important communication tool for this club that is constantly being updated along with our Facebook page. 


Programs / Entertainment

Each month MSBA offers top notch seminars free of charge to members and the public. Upcoming entertainment can be found in news letters, on our website and Facebook page.

Objectives of the Mass Striped Bass Association:
The Objectives of this Association are; To promote and encourage interest in salt water sport fishing: to provide opportunities for those interested in salt water sport fishing to gather for entertainment and good fellowship; to uphold sound conservation practices and laws and to see that these laws are carried out by its members; to further good sportsmanship and to disseminate information concerning saltwater Sport Fishing both to Association members and others.

MSBA By-Laws click HERE

MSBA Operations Manual click HERE

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